Top 5 Things on My Mind - Blogosphere Think Tank Feb. edition

Top 5 Things on My Mind - Blogosphere Think Tank Feb. edition

Posted by Beth Cyr on

This week's topic is the top 5 Things that are on our minds - in no particular order: 

1. Astral Collection - the next round of pieces is being plotted... and some are actually being worked on!

2. Bernie Sanders - I've taken over a twitter account for our local Athens office. I've never really been in to twitter before, but I'm beginning to get the hang of it! I'm always on the search for good articles and memes and paying attention to events that are happening around GA or the southeast. 

3. New additions to nature collection this spring - With the amazing comments about my little turtles, I've been thinking about a whole spring collection based on woodland type creatures or plants. More than just my usual tree bark or leaf designs. I don't have much planned out yet, but I have things rolling around in my head.

4. Wholesaling - For years my business was simply dominated by only doing wedding rings. The market has changed and though I will still be doing a majority of wedding rings, I will also be working on other things that I can wholesale. I got an account last week and sent some stuff off. I was just accepted to Etsy Wholesale and will be putting some things out there. There are some other exciting things in the works that I am not announcing yet though... 

5. Teaching yoga - I've been teaching yoga every other Thursday for a few years now. Students come and go. Since the new year it's been very sparse and all the regulars have a lot going on. The other teacher and I have busy lives (she's a judge) and building a yoga class is not on our list of things we want to focus on right now. It isn't feasible for us to leave work early if no students end up showing up that night. We're considering taking a break for a little while or canceling the class all together. Or just keep it going as is... though that doesn't seem to make the most sense. So, while it is not a big deal, it is something that is very strongly on my mind right now. 

Check out the other participants this month:

Andes Cruz:

marie bell ::

Kathleen Krucoff ~

Robyn Hawk: 

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