Meditation Room

Coming Soon!
Looking for a quiet place or help with your meditation practice?
Welcome to the meditation room!
Here you'll find recorded meditations (coming soon!), artwork to help keep you connected, meditation products and information about working with me 1:1 to help build or maintain your meditation practice.
Not everyone that wants to meditate needs the same thing. I'm here to support you in finding what works best for you. There are so many different techniques and everyone's personality and lifestyle is different. There is no single way to meditate, but a lot of people tend to think there is. I'm sure you've heard people say "I tried meditating, it doesn't work for me".
I was one of those people. It wasn't until I learned different ways to meditate and tried the way that worked best for me that I discovered I actually could meditate. And then keeping up a meditation practice is a whole other challenge.
When you work with me one on one, I'll can teach you about different techniques, talk to you about your lifestyle, help set up a plan that will get you started, and then check in weekly for a progress update, answer any questions or suggest potential adjustments to the plan, or just chat about your experience. Checkins can be via email, voxer or zoom depending on what might work best.
Why work 1:1 with me as your meditation guide?
Some people want recorded meditations, they like to have something to listen to and something to focus on - meditation time on their own feels too nebulous. Other people prefer silence and get distracted by some one else's voice, but hearing a recording once can give them a place to start.
Some people need support off the cushion - how to make some lifestyle changes to support a mediation practice, reminders throughout the day of the reason for the practice, encouragement to keep showing up. Other people are already on the path or are part of a community that helps support these things - but you can never really have to much support right?
Some people love an accountability partner - simply knowing I'll be checking in with them keeps them on track and maintaining their progress. Other people do not like the pressure of an accountability partner - instead I can just be there to answer questions or witness your experience.
While I know I can't be everything to everyone, I do know that meditation is very personal. Meditation is something I believe everyone can do, (even if it's just a short 60 second breathing session!) and I want to help guide you on your way to finding what works best for you by providing you with resources, inspiration and encouragement.
If you'd like to know more, contact me through the form on this page.