Today's the day - where will I go from here?

Posted by Beth Cyr on

image of computer screen of beth cyr website in window of velocity port townsend

Almost 18 years ago I quit working at a coffee shop to become a full time artist. I loved that job, but it was a couple years after I’d graduated college and I was miserable and had no idea what I was doing with my life. I became clear that I wanted to “make things and sell them” but was afraid I’d fail. Once I realized that was my reason for not going for it, I quit my job and never had to go back to working for someone else. 

My business has been through a lot of different iterations in that time. 

This is the biggest change yet. It felt fitting to make these changes in my favorite coffee shop all the way across the country. My 25 year old self would be so proud of how far I’ve come. My current self is too. 

I’ve been through a lot of changes including: several studios, a variety of websites, two marriages and two divorces, beloved pets no more, a move across the country to land in a cute little town where I get to see snow capped mountains, the water and amazing trees every single day. I find myself the happiest I’ve ever been and marvel at all the changes that have occurred and the choices I have made that got me here. 

Lots of things happened I had no choice about, and at the same time I’ve really embraced all the choices I do get to make. What can I do to continue to be more of the person I want to be?

So I’ve chosen to not make custom and made to order items anymore. It going to lead somewhere amazing and I have no idea where. Part of making choices is also letting go, knowing each new intersection is a new opportunity. And sometimes it’s wandering off the trail to see where you find yourself. 

Thanks to everyone for the love and support and I’m excited to share what comes next. I continue to follow my intuition and see where it leads me. It’s already taken me to wildly amazing places and I have no doubt it will continue to do so. 

If you’re interested in better updates on changes and new things, my newsletter is the best place for that. 

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